Category: Medikabazaar Article

Medikabazaar Launches “one of a kind diagnostic ecommerce platform’’ that is going to change the industry buying habits of Lab and Diagnostic centres.

Medikabazaar, a leading online medical supplies company, has launched a one-of-a-kind diagnostic ecommerce platform that promises to revolutionize the buying habits of lab and diagnostic centers. The platform offers a wide range of equipment, instruments, rapid cards, consumables, and disposables, all from top brands and at the best prices. But […]

Nexage Unveils Smart-Tech Medical Scrubs: The Future of Healthcare Attire

Nexage has once again pushed the boundaries of innovation with their latest addition: smart-tech medical scrubs. These cutting-edge garments will revolutionize the healthcare industry by combining advanced technology with practical features that address the unique needs of medical professionals. Nexage’s smart-tech medical scrubs boast an impressive array of characteristics, including […]

Medikabazaar’s Success story -@BusinessWorld Magazine

Read the full article of Medikabazaar’s Success story -@BusinessWorld Magazine.Medikabazaar’s Ceo (Mr.Vivek Tiwari) gets captured for the Young Entrepreneurs Award by BW in the Magazine & speaks about the journey of Medikaazaar.    BW – YEA Awards – Starting small and making a lasting impact on the society is the mantra of today’s young […]

Medikabazaar and seven other startups that made a mark in the IBM Smartcamp for Healthtech 2016.

This startup offers the entire range of medical supplies in a marketplace model thus making buying and selling easier and efficient. Traditionally, organisations had to deal with a large number of vendors for procurement, leading to inefficiency and ineffectiveness. Medikabazaar provides a one stop solution, leading to better time and […]